Sunday, September 27, 2015

Sault Ste Marie, Canada, New Hampshire.....

Random....... Stuff.......

North Dakota, Michigan, Canada, New Hampshire and Soon On The Road Again

Being in NH for the past 5 days has been a wonderful blessing Terry and Carol are the ultimate hosts and we have have had a great time.... Visiting Portsmouth and Mt. Washington. My humans have been well lets just say OK..... Ha ha ha
Tomorrow we head out for the second leg of our trip and will work our way back to California via; heck who knows where these humans are going to drag me. Thanks to our wonderful government there is a looming shut down and National Parks may be closed.

  Traveling across North Dakota we found HUGE stuff.. Nothing much of anything else though.....

 Leggos ship.......

Monday, September 21, 2015

Not posting

So sorry I have not been able to post we have not had good internet for quite awhile..... We are now in Canada using our international Verizon plan (hotspot)..... Our phones are very restricted 100 minutes and 100megs 100 outgoing text (incoming text unlimited).......

Signed Ace

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Theodore Roosvelt National Park

Today my crazy humans put me in that Little Car and got on I-94 and drove 30 miles (one way) to visit Roosevelt Nat Park... Well I wasn't thrilled flying down the freeway going 55 miles an hour when the speed limit is 75 needless we got passed by everything including huge trucks pulling trailers that had to be 70 feet long total....
Interesting fact about Roosevelt, when he was 24 both his wife and his Mother died the same day with in hours of each other. Wife passed giving birth and Mom passed having Typhoid fever. He came to North Dakota to gather himself and fell in love with the territory.... There is much more to the story of Roosevelt but in short he had a lot to do with our National Parks becoming Parks including Yosemite...

 Jerks hang me from this sign and think it's cute.......

 I wanted to take on this guy but my Humans were afraid THEY would get hurt......

 Wild horses couldn't take me away....
 Prairie Dogs were all over the place.......

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Last 3 days we have been busy

We have been busy the last 3 days and the internet has been either slow or non-extant. We have done a lot of driving (well the boy human has) the terrain has gone from big trees and snow covered mountains to flat land that the harvest of grain is done and the fields are barren and dry and waiting for winter .......

The pictures he is going to post are mostly of Glacier National Park (Road To The Sun) it was breath taking to say the least and SLOW was the word of the day.......

The internet here got really slow so we could not post as many as we wanted......

 I hate riding backwards......

 Notice the tag on his ear..

 Who in Hell is this Lady and why is she holding me?
Yes I froze my Ya yas off............ Damn Humans